Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How will I access WebGolf?

Q2. Will I need a User Name and Password to access the time sheet?

Q3. Will I need anything else?

Q4. What if I don’t have access to the Internet?

Q5. What if I can’t access the site for technical reasons?

Q6. Can anyone else add my name or take it off?

Q7. Can someone else add/delete my name without compromising my personal details?

Q8. Can the system identify who has accessed the site to add or delete players?

Q9. How will I pay for the competition?

Q10. What other features are available?

Q11. What will happen if a member adds their name a day’s time sheet more than once?

Q12. How far in advance will the time sheets be available on line?

Q13. Can non-members use the system to book green fees?

Q1. How will I access WebGolf? Back

A. WEbGolf can be accessed at


Q2. Will I need a User Name and Password to access the time sheet? Back

A. Yes, the User name and password will be allocated to you to access the site


Q3. Will I need anything else? Back

A. Yes, you will also need a PIN NO. to enter your name on the Time Sheet


Q4. What if I don’t have access to the Internet? Back

A. You will still be able to call the club as before or enter it at the Club


Q5. What if I can’t access the site for technical reasons? Back

A. Contact:
Webgolf  Software Limited
Zion Court, Zion Road,
Rathgar, Dublin 6.
Tel: +353 1 490 5816
Fax: +353 1 492 6622

Q6. Can anyone else add my name or take it off? Back

A. No – unless they have your Password and PIN No.


Q7. Can someone else add/delete my name without compromising my personal details? Back

A. Yes, if you give them your PIN No (Not your Password) they can add or delete you


Q8. Can the system identify who has accessed the site to add or delete players? Back

A. Yes the system has a traceability feature that is managed by the club administrator


Q9. How will I pay for the competition? Back

A. The payment will be made on-line with a credit card or debit card Back


Q10. What other features are available? Back

A. Text Message automatically sends an SMS confirmation of your entry (date/time/etc.)


Q11. What will happen if a member adds their name a day’s time sheet more than once?

A. The system will not allow the member to enter their name more than once


Q12. How far in advance will the time sheets be available on line? Back

A. The individual clubs can set criteria to make time sheets available as they wish


Q13. Can non-members use the system to book green fees? Back

A. Yes, the system is designed to accommodate members and non-members.